Thunder Bay (TBay) is a city nestled on the North shore of Lake Superior in North Western Ontario. She looks proudly over the largest fresh water lake in the world, the waters of which provide pathways for transport ships from around the world, and hours of fun-filled activity for local residents. TBay, as a city, has a rich heritage, dating back to the 17th century when Western explorers first traveled the St. Lawrence seaway and set up a Fort where they could trade with the local Ojibway native group for furs and treasures of this vast land. The land surrounding Thunder Bay is shared to this day by First Nations groups and primarily Western newcomers to these shores. Urban Abbey is located in the downtown core of the North end of Thunder Bay, formerly called Port Arthur. We are part of the Heritage District of Thunder Bay and our closest neighbours include: St Joseph's Hospital - a palliative care facility, the Thunder Bay Library, Magnus Theatre (the home of live theatre in TBay),andthe newly opened Lakehead Law School. We are privileged to reside beside many older homes, many of which have been converted into multi-family dwellings and student residences.
Our first onsite staff took up residence in the Urban Abbey on April 1, 2015. We look forward to hanging out, having tea (or coffee), and just listening to the sounds of the city and the voices of our neighbors.