Receiving the Torch

On April 1, 2015, First Baptist Church of Thunder Bay followed Christ in radical sacrifice by offering the enduring gift of their church building to Urban Abbey.  On April 12, 2015, through the symbol of a lighted candle, the congregation passedthe responsibility for being a light on the hill in the parish surrounding their building to Urban Abbey.

Psalm 36:9 reminds us, β€œin your light, we see light.”

First Baptist Church pastor, deacon and trustee presented a beautiful commemorative plaque to Urban Abbey.  And many serving hands provided an amazing roast beef dinner.  A time of nostalgic and hopeful celebration was shared as remembrances of what God had done and continues to do were deeply reflected upon.

The Urban Abbey family currently consisting of 5 adults and 2 children were surrounded by the love of First Baptist Church as they laid hands upon us all and asked God to go with us, shelter us under his wings and grace us with the delight of his satisfying presence.