Sam and the piece of art he helped construct
Sam Kakegamic - our friend, brother, co-laborer, advisor and dear family member went to be with Jesus this week.
What can we say to honor this man? I think he would want to have us first mention his great sense of humor! Sam could tell a funny story with such dry humor, then throw his head back and laugh.
Sam gave of himself in so many ways to work on projects at the Abbey.
Perhaps most memorable is Sam’s work on the artwork in the picture above. Once the design had been completed, Sam laid out, in complete detail where each block of color should go. He spent hours meticulously marking the grid so that all we had to do was place each piece. Sam loved this work and was so excited on the day we lifted it onto the wall - with his help!
Sam lived with us on many occasions - from 2000 to 2002, Sam helped to pioneer Saturday Night Life, a neighbor meal to the urban core of Thunder Bay that is in its 20th year! In 2014-2016, Sam joined us off and on as we pioneered the Abbey - helping with winter construction projects.
Sam was great at staying in touch through facebook and always sending words of love and encouragement.
Sam you are missed - you reminded us of our humanity and how much we all need Jesus. You showed us so clearly the difference God can make in a life when we choose to follow him and not our own ways.
We shall see you soon!